Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm just entering the 3rd trimester and all is well!  I went to the doctor today and no signs of pre-term labor which is exciting!  I have been thinking lately about funny things I didn't realize would affect me while having a big beach ball attached to my mid section.

Here's the most recent glimpse of the said beach ball!  Mom and Dad flew up this weekend to help get the nursery together!

  1. Washing dishes sideways- I can't do the dishes without hunching over the belly or turning sideways
  2. Having my husband put on my boots for me- no longer can reach all the way down!
  3. Needing help reaching under the seat in an airplane- yeah, definitely can't bend forward like that anymore
  4. Accidentally hitting things with the belly- whoops! sometimes I forget it's there!
  5. Thinking I'm smaller than I am- and underestimating if I can squeeze through a space
  6. People looking at my belly first then making eye contact
  7. Rolling over requires a lot more effort now
  8. Jackets no longer button or zip- which means the boys might get a little breeze!
  9. Sitting lady like is hard to do- It's more comfortable to sit masculinely with belly between the legs, ha!
  10. Hugs now are belly first- Even hugging my husband feels a little funny sometimes with the beach ball in between us!

The boys are doing great and growing as they should.  I'm still doing well and enjoying this last season of pregnancy.  The normal growing discomfort is here but overall we're doing well!

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