Sunday, December 9, 2012


It's the first big snow we've had this winter.  There are already about 6 inches out and we're expecting another 6 by tomorrow morning!  So with the unplowed roads I'm staying at home with the boys this morning instead of heading to church.

The pictures feature on the blog isn't working right now, so I'll have to add the latest pictures of the boys soon!  They're 8 months!

Here's what they're up to lately:

  • rolling
  • pivoting
  • reaching across their bodies
  • stealing toys, pacifiers fromt he others mouth, hands, etc.
  • rocking on all fours
  • leaning on elbows and toes (knees up off ground)
  • sitting great, but always fall over still
  • eating lots of solids
    • don't love, bananas, carrots, rice cereal
    • love pear sauce, applesauce, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cherries, peas
  • starting finger foods! so far blueberries, bananas, and avocado…none were a huge hit, but they are great at grabbing the food and bringing it straight to their mouths!
  • still taking 3 naps a day, but we're pushing their naps back…currently 9am and 12pm, but moving closer to 1pm for the second nap; each are 45-1.5 hours
  • go to bed between 6:30 and 7 and have been waking up around 7:30 or I have to wake them up by 7:30! Thank the Lord.  I can do 7:30!
  • reaching things on their bookshelf, baskets, and anything left on the floor
  • are constantly trying to eat and steal my iphone
  • still enjoying excersauers
  • finally outgrown Bumbos (they get out of them easily, by falling forward :)), their bouncy seats (they lean forward while strapped in and almost move the chair!), and their swing (they are heavy and now lean to one side and try to dangle their arms out…so that's packed up now!)!
  • fitting into lots of 9 month clothes and some 6 month clothes, which are getting tighter
  • like toppling stacked things  
  • Jackson hates the vacuum and cries the entire time while Grayson smiles and laughs 
  • love silly faces from me and Andrew, funny noises and breathing sounds
  • take baths in their kiddie bath in the regular tub, instead of the sink…too much splashing for the kitchen! they're nearly ready for a "big boy bath" but still fall over a lot while sitting

We've tried a few new recipes lately.  Here are the ones we enjoyed the most!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving recap

We have so much to be thankful for this year.  Two big reasons, but many, many more.  We headed to Snellville to spend the holiday with hubs' family for a week.  Such a welcome break from the monotony I often feel at home.  I can't believe it's already Christmas season because my days largely look the same day in and day out.

And, we flew.  And I think helped other people strengthen their convictions on birth control.  Ha.  The afternoon flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta was waaaaayyyy better than we thought it would be.  But our red eye heading back to Minnesota was rough. We woke up at 3:30am to head to the airport and after we put our sleeping cuties in their car seats, they forgot that was the part when they returned back to sleep.  Yeah, that did not happen!  Needless to say that was a rough start to the flight.  Babies who lost 4 hours of sleep already…starting off on a cranky foot.

We ended up having a blast though as the in-laws watched the boys and sent us to Cirque du Soleil one evening and we headed to Athens and scored some last minute tickets to the Georgia v. Georgia Tech game.  Good game! Tech was beaten badly.  And…we celebrated freedom from the kiddies and 4 years since Andrew bent down on one knee and put a ring on it!