Wednesday, December 11, 2013

that was just the 5k

Well, that last post was timely.  That verse would carry me through the next week! Actually the next day while I was about to take Jackson to the doctor for his stomach bug and Grayson to check in with the pediatrician about his lack of weight gain, hubby was snow-blowing the driveway and had a little accident.  I'll spare you the semi-gory details.  He came in and said, "Sara, don't freak out.  I'm hurt, but I'm OK.  Can you get a towel to soak up the blood?" Wow. Ew.  Anyway, later that week he had surgery to repair his finger, which is all in tact now and healing.  So really God was preparing my heart for the marathon that was ahead.  Then the boys have started getting a couple of hives after they eat and we're wondering if it's a food allergy or what.  Just running the race.

Aside from all our medical issues, here's what we've been up to in the last month:
Enjoyed our last times playing outside before the bitter cold

Traveling to Georgia for Thanksgiving

Taking the boys to their first Georgia game. Dawgs won!

What we've been thinking on:
What we've been eating:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

running the race

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  Hebrews 12:1-2
  • Race: “agon”- battle, trial, struggle or context; a place (and contest) where Greeks would gather to celebrate games of athletes and charioteers    
  • Endurance: “hypomone”- steadfastness, constancy, endurance, patiently, not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith even by the greatest trials and sufferings
  • Set before “prokami”- to set before, be placed before, stand forth, appointed, destined, be there, be present, be at hand, lie in sight; Same in vs. 1 and 2 (before us and Jesus)
  •  Joy “chara”- joy, gladness, happiness; Matt 13:44, treasure hidden in field
As I sit here in my house with 2 napping boys, and barely up Christmas decorations, and pretty falling snow outside, I was reminded of these words.  Jackson has been sick since about 4 am this morning.  Not keeping anything down or in.  Poor little guy.  And we just wen to the doctor for Grayson yesterday.  He still is not gaining weight after all the sausage, cheese, full-fat yogurt, protein bars, and milk replaced by half and half, we've tried for the last month.  We'll see if there a more serious issue soon.  It could be a malabsorption issue, allergy, intolerance, or range to something far more severe.  Or it could be that he's a tiny and picky toddler.  The Lord knows.  

I was able to go to our church Moms gathering this morning and hear specifically applied truth and talk with friends, and hear from another mom (of twins) who is here on furlough from an Islamic African region. Sweet perspective.  Thankful that Andrew could watch our sicky boy and let me go for the morning.  Thankful to come home full and refreshed to needy boys.  After lunch Jackson sat in my lap and just curled up. Until he got sick again all over himself and me and our kitchen floor.  Poor guy.  

Which is why the current silence of the resting twins, hoping they are regaining strength and building up appetites to grow is so sweet now. 

And today feels like a "running the race" day.  But I too am thankful for my God who has run the race already before me.  Blazed the trail.  And he blazed it for me.  He came for the sick and not the well.  He came to comfort and suffer, not to be pampered.  He held me when I was sick, and suffered and sacrificed for me.  He endured for me.  And He endured with me, even when I don't want to endure for my kids.  With joy he ran His race for me.  Oh, Lord, mothering is not for the faint of heart.  Mothering is a call to be like Jesus and to connect with Him in new ways.  I am not a true mom, one who really loves, if I only am here for the well, comfortable, pampered moments.  No, I am a loving mom because my King has given me grace to be all here (hopefully with joy) in the sick, suffering, sacrificing moments.  Praying this for today