Friday, July 25, 2014

back in the usa

After packing up 3 months of clothes and toys and life things, we headed back to the US.  We drove to London last Sunday to avoid the unpredictable yet generally horrific traffic.  After a semi-eventful time in the airport (changed baggage weight limits on us, increased security for US flights, etc), we made it to our gate at mid-boarding.  Whew.  The 9 hour day flight was no where near the comical terror of flying back from Lebanon but was not the breeze of our night flight heading to England.  Overall though, it was fine.  We were thankful for kids movies on board!

It's been a few days since getting back to the States and we're adjusting pretty easily.  Our last few days in Sheffield were such a mix of emotion though.  We felt so sad to leave friends and what felt like the life we had made there.  We were comfortable with our pace of life and had figured out the basics of navigating this very different English culture.  We really really loved the church there and miss our church family in Sheffield already.

most of our small group in Sheffield the day we left for London to fly back

Jacks sleeping in my arms on the flight...thankful for these moments!

We made it back to MSP and were so thankful for this kids area after the flight!

That evening we came back to a cleaned and fresh house thanks to some good friends who scrubbed our house, cleaned up after renters, and even left us some dinner in the fridge! Wow, that was such a blessing...especially when it felt like midnight UK time!  Gray and Jacks did well though and managed to stay up until their "new" bedtime at 8 (felt like 2 a.m. for them!).  Jackson was asking to go "night night" and kept wanting us to put him to bed, poor boy! They slept through the night and have adjusted pretty well.  Last night was the first night for me that I slept through the night, so on the whole we're all through the jet lag now. 

There are several things that feel different despite their familiarity though.  We know we're having some reverse culture shock: driving everywhere, huge stores, warm, sunny and humid weather, things open 24 hours, not seeing our UK friends, having a bigger house with so much space!, finding exactly what you need at the grocery store and not having to figure out of to make some things, not constantly converting money, oven temperatures and the weather.  I could go on, but every day there are a few things that I just notice about life that seemed so normal before and were completely unconscious.  It does just seem easier to live life here.  I forgot how easy it was! And I don't mean that anyone or myself should feel guilty about having more or bigger things.  It's just that American culture has been engrained in me for nearly 30 years so of course it will be easier and so many things will be unconscious.  Being in a new culture can be overwhelming in part just because you have to think or learn and be conscious how how you do everything!

the boys finding "new" toys (and boots) they hadn't seen for 3 months!

Enjoying our spacious back yard with our neighbors Zoe and Violet

Going on a walk and then meeting up with Daddy after his bike ride. He's been dying to get cycling all summer.

our local MN park! The boys were needing help even climbing stairs before we left and today they were on their own completely going up and down and trying out all the slides!

Gray and I had a some one-on-one time while Daddy and Jacks hung out.  We wanted to restart getting special individual time with our little guys since it's been a while!

last week in England

Our last few days in Sheffield were full of packing, tying up loose ends, saying good byes and processing our few months there.  

Lots of laundry, sorting, throwing away the weird things you accumulate, and shoving our lives into suitcases was daunting, but we made it!  Thankfully that's all I had to do! Andrew sold our car, figured out all the financial things of rent, taxes, etc., and had lots of last minute meetings and traveling.  Before the crunch time though, we headed out to the Peak District one last time for a little family getaway and processing time.  

One of our last mornings at our apartment in Sheffield!

Driving through Castleton

the open sheep pasture next door to our cottage

So many romantic and old details in these little countryside towns

what a cute cottage we passed!



on our way to dinner through Winters Pass

freely roaming sheep

exploring Castleton

The "devil's arse" cavern...used by the Normans in the 1000s for protection

out to dinner with Grayson

And Daddy with Jacks!

just relaxing!

Proud of having a napkin in his lap!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

more visitors!

While our staff team was in town, we were able to make a quick trip out to see the Tour de France, as they rode through Sheffield this year and catch a show of a friend's brother.  The next day my parents came to town and we ventured around Sheffield with the boys.

Waiting for the riders!
They're coming!
Top of the peloton coming through!

Also a quaint concert by friend John Mark Nelson who was in town doing a show in London.  His sister Ann was visiting with us and is a co-worker back in the US!

Gray and Jacks were also ecstatic to see Gram and Grandpa (aka "Gam" and "Gampa/Gampy").  Mom and Dad flew to England early last week to spend some time with us here and we were so thankful! It was such a blessing to see family in Sheffield.  The boys also loved seeing them and it was really sweet to see them light up with them!

We drove to "collect" them from Manchester and the only way to get there is through the Peak District.  It was beautiful.  Grazing sheep, rolling hills, dry stone walls that seem too picturesque and surely are from centuries ago. Though the drive took twice as long because of traffic and little windy roads through the countryside, we were all excited to see Mom and Dad.  We headed to the Waterfront Quays after picking up my parents and had lunch after watching some boaters and ducks.
All are happy here!

The boys napped in the car on the way home and then it was time to play with Gram and Grandpa.  They brought some car stickers that kept the boys busy for probably at least 30 minutes! Then we headed to the Thyme Cafe- one of our favorite restaurants in Sheffield.
Please note: left side is Grayson's ordered pattern and the right are Jackson's haphazard stickers!

Wednesday we headed to Starbucks (naturally!) and then to the botanical gardens.  It was beautiful and warm!

Georgia boy at heart: Jackson exploring the Dogwoods

They manage to wrestle anywhere and everywhere!

Adventuring in the rose garden

In the afternoon, we showed them around the "city centre" (downtown area).  We walked past the big theaters, saw City Hall and the beautiful Peace Gardens and walked through the Winter Gardens (Sheffield's very miniature version of the Como conservatory in MN).

Thursday we stayed mainly around the city centre.  We don't have a coffee pot in our flat so we headed to a local coffee shop and then made our way to the National Emergency Vehicle Museum.  This is 2 year old boy heaven! All kinds of fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances! Vinatge and new, American, English, and European models were all there.  G and J loved every minute of it! They pointed out each wheel and tire and climbed into every open door! It was great.

G's happy post-milkshake 'stache!

After lunch and naps we walked to a favorite park downtown, ran a few errands, and then headed back for dinner.  Mom and Dad watched the boys so we could go to a friend's small birthday gathering.  We were thankful!

On their last day, we headed back out to the Peaks, but this time further south to the Chatsworth House.  It was the site of the latest Pride and Prejudice filming.  Gorgeous! It cost a fortune to actually tour the home and gardens (about 100pounds, or $170) so we easily settled for playing with the boys in the green lawns overlooking the small river and beautiful mansion.  After lunch at the Fox House, a favorite pub in the Peaks, we headed home.  We had a low key evening so Dad and Mom could soak up time with the boys.
The men helping build a dry stone wall..

Playing hide and seek with Grandpa around the statues

The Chatsworth House; tower to left used to be their stables

Playing with airplanes in the grass

The gorgeous bridge to get on the property

Family pub lunch

It was such an enjoyable visit! The weather was amazingly sunny every day!