Thursday, February 17, 2011

heart day

I love my husband.  I loved getting to celebrate God's biggest gift to me on earth- Andrew!  Though Monday was officially Valentine's Day, we had to change it up due to our funny schedules.  We were on a retreat with students all weekend.  It was a blast.  But that plus a busy Monday left us to figure something else out.  A was stressed about getting the retreat on track last week and had to prepare for all the meetings/trainings he was doing on Monday, so I said I would plan an evening!  This is a milestone, because my husband is king of planning, foresight, and surprises.

In the mean time while Andrew was napping after the retreat on Sunday I made a quick banner since we were celebrating by having friends over later.

Service is not my love all.  But it's his so I really wanted him to feel appreciated!  After the retreat I washed A's car and tried to clean up the whole apartment.  I really wanted him to feel stress free and served. After he took a nap, (and I whipped up the banner) we got all dressed up (which he also loves) and we drove down to Zelo's on Nicollet in downtown Minneapolis.  Then we came back and instead of making the strawberry shortcake I'd planned, we made my back-up plan: chocolate covered strawberries! So good!

chocolate = demolished

Then after a day of meetings on Monday, A planned with some of our great friends to host a little Valentines get together that night.  Hubs grabbed some vino, roses, notes, and decorated the apartment while I was scooted out of our place.  Three couples came who are our co-workers, church family, and incredibly great friends.  The other husbands brought a cake (yum!) from the best local bakery in town, made a fun romantic playlist, and one questions and rules to play the Newlywed Game!   Sounds a tad cheesy, but it was such a blast.  But really A and I were the newest married by a few years and one couple was going on 20+.  Regardless, it was fun to laugh with friends.  We came in third.  Which we'll take.

Hub's addition to the decor :)

great friends Lisa, Theresa and Samm with that strawberry cake at our place

Sweet roses from the hubs that I put at my bedside table

And weather update: GOD LOVES ME.  It's been in the 40s and nearly 50.

In Minnesota this means: flats (no boots) for the first time in 4 months, sunroof, no scarf, no gloves, light jacket and sanity!  I really have been in the best mood and have literally been praising the Lord since!

can't you hear the angels singing?!

and yes, that's snow still everywhere, but thankfully it's melting!

 This is for evidence.  And to remind me God is faithful since it's supposed to snow for the next 4 days.  

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