We didn't take a full day off this weekend and not surprisingly filled up to be crazy hectic. My bad. Now I feel like I was knocked off my week and am scrambling to get back on top of life.
Andrew look me out on Friday night for Pizza Luce, known for their mashed potato pizza. Weird, but we heard good things and wanted to try it. It was good too! Instead of sauce, the mashed potatoes went down on the crust with broccoli, cheese, bacon and chives on top. It was good, but not crave-able.
Saturday we had a cookout for students at Bethel. It was a blast! We cooked 150+ hamburgers and brats. And yes, in Minnesota, brats are a staple at cook outs. Fortunately we were at the Bethel football game and couldn't see the terrible, touchdown-less Georgia game. Ugh, Steve Spurrier won.
Matt and Lisa had their second little girl over the weekend and I made some macaroni and cheese, corn bread (I use Jiffy but add extra water and add smoked paprika for a little kick and less crumbles), picked up a rotisserie chicken, and sent a couple of feta and sun-dried tomato chicken breasts I made a week or two ago.
Reid and Nikki got engaged on Sunday so we also had a little par-tay for them. Last minute cake...store-bought dark chocolate cake mix (I added 1/2 a package of pudding mix for more moisture) and whipped up some cream cheese frosting from Cooking Light. I doubled this recipe meant for cupcakes because I was frost a two-tiered cake. I remembered I had a heart-shaped cookie cutter and made some cookies (a little cheesy I know, but they got engaged!). Here's the fun couple:

I guess it's a little creepy to post a picture of another couple (which I got off facebook- whoops!) but they're friends ya know?
AND...I've. turned. crafty. Ahhhh! I made this little paper pennant banner for the happily engaged couple. I got this cute package of scrapbook paper from Target (duh, where else do I shop here?) and cut out long triangles. Then I traced a circle (from a glass) onto some white cardstock we had. Then I drew some letters out on a piece of the scrapbook paper set and glued them all together. I had some clothes pins and pinned them on some twine which we stretched over a room opening. Here's a peak at the finished product- after the party.

So it was a fun weekend, but jam packed. Hubs and I have already said Saturday is OFF! And Georgia is playing the Razorbacks. So we'll try and catch some of that.
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