Over the weekend my parents came to visit! It was a blast to see them and great to catch up with them after our trip to India...and not being able to keep in touch very well half way across the world.
They flew in on Friday and we immediately took them to Minnehaha falls which is a park with creek, waterfall, and tons of walking trails. It was the most gorgeous weather ever. Then we swung over to Buca di Beppo for amazing Italian food. Andrew and I always go back and forth between a few dishes, but we branched out a little with my parents. We got the Penne San Remo- so good- and some dish with Italian sausage and rigatoni (because my Dad LOVES Italian sausage!). Andrew gets their chocolate cake every time we go and he dreams of it
whenever we go to Buca. It was huge, but Dad and Andrew managed to dominate it!
Mom and I went to explore a few of the many Farmer's Markets in Minneapolis. We stopped by the Mill City market but it was a little pricey and much more commercialized.

Then we drove around and found the Minneapolis Farmer's Market. It's a gem. Huge! Rows and rows and rows of vendors. Tomatoes, eggplant, hot peppers, apples, breads, lettuce, corn...I was so excited! I think we walked away with $14 in produce which came out to: 4 nectarines (maybe the best I've ever had), 3 Heriloom tomatoes (can't even get those in the store), several small heads of baby romaine lettuce, 3 red and yellow bell peppers, 2 red onion, a bag of 6 Focaccia loaves (think Macaroni Grill-ish) and 4 small avocados! Oh my gosh, I thought I might start skipping on our way back to the car! Mom was great to have with me- not only her good eye but great company.

(thank you google image search. I didn't bring my camera, but this is of the MPLS Farmers Market)
Later on we came back and had burgers and the men continued to work on some kind of electrical wiring at a ministry house. I don't really know, but they we tired but felt accomplished when they got home.
Mom and I started cooking for dinner and it was SO good! We had a fabulous caprese salad with those fresh and crisp farmers market tomatoes. I picked up a Santa Maria Tri Tip Roast from Trader Joes and that was supreme! Seasoned so well. Then one of my favorites: chipotle mashed sweet potatoes. I've been making them for a few years and they never ever disappoint. And we broke out the Focaccia loaves with some dipping oil. So so yummy! For dessert we hadtiramisu. It was light and tasty.
Sunday morning hubs had a Duathlon race. Well, he actually forgot about it and hadn't trained at all, but somehow, he always does really well anyway. So here's the breakdown: 5k run, 18 mile bike, 5k run. Um...I think I'd only make it through the first 5k! He did so well and finished the race under 2 hours. He actually beat the average finish time by almost 20 minutes. I was super proud of him! Anyway though it's a whole 'nother culture in there. Some hard core cyclists with aerodynamic helmets and bikes. Everyone walking around super fit and buff with spandex on and gearing up for their race. And I'm walking around in skinny jeans and big sunglasses trying to find Andrew so I can take a picture. Bahaha. I would've laughed it I saw me in a crowd. I got to be hubby's cheerleader and during the long bike section, finish a section of the book I was reading. Ha.
(Run, hubs, run! This is the 2nd 5k- almost done!)
After we got home and got cleaned up, hubs, Mom, Dad and myself went down to Lake Calhoun and had some fish tacos on the lake front and then went to hear a jazz/blues band at the Lake Harriet Bandshell.
This weekend Mom and I laughed a few times about Minnesotan culture. We saw a fun slice of organic, crunchy, outdoor-sy, active folk. This really is Minnesota in the summer. Everybody is out running, biking, in those weird bike contraptions, windsurfing on lakes, etc. It's a cycling town. And it's real crunchy. Which I dont mind at all.
Mom was the faithful photographer, I was not. But I'll post more pics as I get them.
So glad you enjoyed. Hope to see you often!