And you know what that means! Well, in Athens that means Larry Munson clips, dressing up in red and black, tailgate food, beautiful (and hot) weather, 90,000+ people together all with one thing in common: a love for Dawg football. But in Minneapolis Saturday means, um I nothing much. Ha. But in our household, it still means Georgia football. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord I married a Dawg fan. Anyway, today was our day off after our first week on campus. That means a restful, taking-it-easy kind of day, and reflecting on my heart and week.
It was great to reconnect with girls from campus, but I was ready for a break since classes seem to come way sooner than I was prepared for.
One thing I do love about Minneapolis Saturdays is the Farmer's Market. I went with 20 bucks and came away with a ton of great produce (and a dollar left over...who'da thunk it that I'd be under budget?!). I'm making Mom's recipe for green tomato casserole (which I use less butter for...and cook it along with this easy chicken recipe for our married couple small group) tomorrow so I got 6 green tomatoes for that.
I also picked up a few small avocados, almost a dozen delicious, but not quite ripe nectarines, 5 ears of sweet corn (another plus of living up here is incredible and abundant sweet corn!), a huge bunch of beautiful carrots, $2 quart of fresh strawberries, and this beautiful bouquet. I couldn't resist!
Mom and I eyed these vibrant jewel toned flowers and this week I had to get some. I just love fall colors and since they were only $5 and won't be available much longer I thought I'd splurge.
Here's another look at the unique flowers.
And I took one of the sunflowers out so we could enjoy it on our dresser.
Oh, and I tried a new orzo recipe tonight using some peppers and onions and carrots from the market. I changed the recipe by subbing carrots for eggplant, making the orzo whole wheat and adding leftover rotisserie chicken. Hubby gave it enthusiastic thumps up. And grilled some corn and using Emeril's seasoning instead of their spice mix. So good!
Anyway, Andrew and I also found out about the UGA Alumni chapter up here. There are suprisingly more Dawgs in Minnesota than I thought. So, we headed downtown to watch the season opener with fellow Georgia fans. (And PTL for the new QB, Aaron Murray, who thankfully played great and can make passes AND run! Goooo Dawgs!)

It was fun to meet new people and of course get to watch the game. Up here SEC games are rarely on, even with big networks because they always default to regional games (like Perdue, Wisconsin, Illinois, etc which I obviously care way less about). And the Lord is SO sweet, there were some warm women I met there.
It got me thinking about sweet the Lord is. My heart is just hard most of the time, but God is so incredible to pursue me still. I've lately been meditating on Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Gosh. I am so grateful God bids us rest! I realized again that all I have to do is keep looking to Jesus. That is the only work I must do. I only have to give Him burdens. I only give Him my heavy yoke and accept His light load. What grace!
I worry for girls on campus, I worry about being effective, I worry about not making an impact, I worry about how I am not a perfect wife, how I am focused on myself. I mean I'm even anxious about being anxious- you know I'm worried about not being at peace and that brings less peace! Anyway, I am so grateful for our Father's bid to do nothing but look at Jesus and be in awe of Him. I want to let go of "heavy burdens" in theory but more often than not I want to hold on to them. It makes me want to say "whew" and then cry from gratitude that I have an advocate who will fight for me! He says "the battle is not your own but God's and He will fight for you" (2 Chron 20).
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