Grayson and Jackson sure do attract a lot of visitors! We're thankful that our families are so willing to fly up to see us the boys. This past weekend my sister Courtney and her husband Scott came up to stay with us. They now live in Jacksonville and basically have the complete opposite climate. We don't talk weather most of the year. I would cry.
They loved getting to see the little guys especially now that they're responsive, smiley, giggly and more interactive.
Aunt Courtney and Uncle Scott with the boys
Jackson and Grayson also went to their very fist tailgate at the school we work with. Thankfully Court and Scott helped me actually make it there with both kiddos.
Sara loves hanging out with juniors Courtney and Ashley...and they love the boys!
Dad and Jackson
Here are some other pictures from the last week or so:
Here's Jackson looking so much more grown during tummy time...
and precious Grayson!
Here are the cutest little butts I've ever seen! Seriously, I love their teeny cheeks!
:) So cute! Our boys bare cheeks always make me smile too! And I am seeing a lot of it right now with potty training. Our neighbors may or may not have gotten their eyes full as well. They like to wave to daddy from the front door in the nude as he leaves for work in the morning. Grayson and Jackson are getting so big. They really are holding their heads up and looking around! They look great! :)