Hard to believe today, 5 months ago we were waiting around at the hospital and I was till prego. Grayson and Jackson are still doing great. Here's what they're up to lately:
- giggling:: especially Andrew can get either one of them going with silly songs, but if you catch them at the right time they'll belly laugh!
- grasping:: toys, hair, their clothes, pacifiers and bibs...they love to grab whatever they can. they now even look at something and specifically grab it. lately their favorite thing to grab is their pacifiers- out of their mouths! we're working on them being able to put them back in!
- putting things in mouth:: this is the start
- smiling
- rolling over:: they both can do this from tummy to back either direction
- weight on legs:: both love to be held while they stand up
- almost sitting up:: Jackson especially is almost able to sit. lately he's demise is that he leans forward and thus falls over. Grayson's not as interested in sitting
- tummy time:: they now enjoy tummy time far more and are usually super focused/mesmerized by whatever pattern is on the blanket they lay on. and we think they're heads aren't quite as flat :)
- napping:: they're changing up their routine lately...Jackson seems to be ready for 3 longer naps and Grayson's fine with 4 so we're trying to figure this one out! we're heading toward 3 and made their bed time now 7 instead of 8. that also is because they've been waking up at 6:30 instead of 8!
- still no reflux anymore :)
- have strong necks
- love looking at books
- still love kicking
- making bubbles and razzing
- talking:: both seem to be getting more and more talkative. Grayson lately has been almost yelling but it totally content.
- love bath time
- jumping:: they love when you toss them up and they try to bend their knees and jump. gets a smile every time
- superman:: they LOVE to be flown around while being held like superman. sometimes even gets giggles
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