Today was a "bank holiday" in England and we made it our version of Memorial Day. No American flags or red, white and blue desserts, no cookouts, but we did get outside and spend time as a family. We went to the Peak district which is a gorgeous national park about 10 miles outside of the city. And though it was nice to get out of the city, it was actually exhausting! Since we're carless, we had to wait on two buses. We figured out the routes online, but the first bus actually wasn't running on a holiday. Then we decided to literally hike (this is a very hilly place!) 30+ minutes to the other bus stop. Then we caught the needed bus and it was a 10-15 minute ride out. The country side was beautiful. Low stone walls, sheep and rolling green hills- what I'd pictured England to look like. And not to disappoint, it was cool and gray. No sprinklers and kiddie pools were out here! We all had on jackets!

Anyway, we finally got there and I was tired! So we grabbed some coffee sat for a bit to take in the scenery and then found some trails to walk on. We were headed down a hill when we spotted a friend from church who was cycling. He actually stopped and told us a good path to walk with strollers. Wow, what great timing! We followed his advice and it was beautiful. So green and lush, and the blue sky was starting to peak through. We walked along the beaten path with the old low walls nearby and loads of families around us. Passing through a few little wooden gates we saw some sheep. Just gazing out in the open. We let the boys get out of the stroller (or "buggy") and they loved hearing the sheep say "baaa" and get up-close with them.
We saw rams and baby lambs and even a few little black sheep. The trail continued toward a pond, but we had to turn around and head back. It was time for lunch. We stopped at a pub and had a "lovely" lunch.
The Fox House Pub
We finished up and hurried out to catch our bus back. Only we waited, and waited... apparently the bus had broken down before it got to our stop. So we had to wait 45 minutes for the next bus to come by. That felt very long with two tired boys. So we loaded on the bus and this time took it another route to avoid the long walk home. To avoid tireless details, it still took us another 45 minutes to get home! We were really feeling and missing not having a car. We love our independence, our convenience, and our control!
We finally got home and put the boys down for a nap. J slept for 30 minutes on hubby's shoulder on the bus so he was just talking, but G was out! I needed a nap too after a 6 hour ordeal for a few hours in the peak district.
We then caught a taxi over to a friend's house. This family is originally from Australia, goes to our church and has 3 kids. Another family was over as well for afternoon tea. We joined them as the scones were coming out of the oven. Yum! These actually reminded us somewhat of Southern biscuits. What a treat! But with clotted cream and jam instead of honey and butter!
A long day, but full of family and friends. It really does remind me of what community really is. It can be so idealized, but it's bearing with one another, getting through, and making time for others. Andrew did a whole lot of bearing with me today. We attempted a lot of bearing with our boys, enjoying them, disciplining them and loving them. Our friends invited us in when it would have been easier not to include us. There are so many things to be thankful for. Our bus escapades revealed much in my heart and now, looking back I more clearly see the Lord's grace in it.
Some other snippets from last week:
...after opening a package of stickers sent from Gram and Grandpa Link. Note J's blurry excitement!
A wonderful package from Papa and Grandma Knight!
Both boys have had fevers and been queasy, but after a day or two they both got better. This was J after we watched movies all day and his fever came down!
We went out for breakfast in the "city centre" and we saw a horse and tractor and had to stop!
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