Hubby had been hoping to make this a grand "last vacation" since we found out we were pregnant. Though it was looking less and less like a reality, he as usual pulled out a wonderful last minute deal. I was thankful the babymoon wasn't to Iowa, Wisconsin or Michigan, which I was preparing for.
Hubs and I after lunch: 24 and a half weeks
me and the soon to be grandmothers :)
After making it back to our janky airport hotel we got a call from my Dad that we was flying in town that night so he picked us up for dinner. We were so grateful that our hours in Atlanta we so fueling.
The next day bright and early we headed back to the airport for Mexico. And it was amazing! Though laying out was not all that comfortable with an extra 20 pounds and a giant basketball at my front, we had the best time ever!
Andrew was so pumped he had to take a pic
Gotta love maternity swimsuits! Here's me and boys at the beach!
mountains + ocean!
showing off my belly after playing a little tennis
a near by marina
sunsets were gorgeous
We were so thankful for the quality time plus all the reading we got to do. Here's what's been on our lists lately:
- Bringing Up Boys by Dobson
- A Mother's Heart by Flemming
- One THousand Gifts by Vonkamp
- Juggling Twins
Well, I've got to run a finish packing for our next trip. We leave today for a week in Lebanon. More details to come!
Looks like a fun trip!