Here's what we've been eats and making lately:
Oh, but first a baby update! We headed to the doc last week and she said everything was still good! We heard both healthy little heart beats and I still haven't felt sick! I'm measuring right for 4 months with twins, but it's the same size as being 5 months along with one! So basically I look like I'm a month further along than I am :) Getting geared up for the expanding belly! So here's to eating for three:
1) Spinach dip (without mayonnaise!!!) I have a serious aversion to mayo, so I love this Martha Stewart recipe.
2) Chicken salad again without mayonnaise: I leave the mayo out and use Greek yogurt to the consistency I like
3) Carne Guisada Pork for tacos:
4) Turkey Loin: great way to change up chicken and pork; way healthier and SO moist! ; plus its a 4 ingredient recipe! Hubs keeps asking for it
5) Simple sauteed zucchini: I used Greek seasoning because don't have herbs de province
6) Classic ham and cheese sliders: been looking for the old Parker House rolls recipe, but could only get this far; were good, but I ended up using frozen wheat rolls cut in half because they were big and they weren't as moist, so I'll at least double the sauce next time to make them more moist
7) Broiled Salmon with mustard sauce: SO good! I wasn't too sure about salmon + mustard, but very tasty and so easy:
8) Chicken Tetrazzini: made this for a retreat for 50 ( health conscious) college women! It was good, I added garlic powder and basil and would definitely add that and some hot sauce or pepper flakes for a kick if we were making it for ourselves.
9) Holiday pretzel chocolate treats: A Pintrest find where you basically semi melt Hershey kisses on a pretzel and press an M&M on top. So easy and takes 10 min! The Hugs ones were our favorites
10) Roasted corn on the cob: my new favorite way to have corn: in the oven, in foil, add a little butter and some garlic salt. I'm not a cilantro fan, so I left that out.
11) Rosemary and bacon roasted red potatoes: classic and yummy!
Sounds delicious. Can't wait to try some!