Wednesday, July 20, 2011

quick return to the midwest

Mini culture shock.  It started even at the airport.  When we had packed up for our two weeks in Minnesota and were waiting for out flight from Atlanta to Minneapolis many "little things" came back to me.  The way people talk and dress and their general attitudes- it came flooding back.  I was beyond excited to go back to our apartment, but then I had a little twinge of fear heading back to this different-than-I-grew-up place.

(note: very short hair cut, non-dyed hair, keen hiking/water sandal-shoes with socks, zip off hiking's the Midwestern middle-age stereotype)

God is constantly working in me to be content.  To be happy right where He has me.  I am so very confident about being in Minnesota, but there are times I have to remind myself of this when I feel like a foreigner in this place.  We've been here for 2 years now and there really are things I love about it though.  As part of my personal fight to live gratefully in God's gifts (like living in MN), I'm going to share a few things I've been grateful for about MinnesOta.  :)
  1. No frizz.  Hallelujah!  The humidity is way, way better here! My curls can survive!
  2. 75 degree summers (for the most part, though we've had rain, thunderstorms and 100 degrees too)
  3. Farmer's markets everywhere. Loving fresh, local fruits and veggies!
  4. Beautiful flowers- sunflowers! They even grow along the road and you can get them everywhere, especially at the farmer's market :)
  5. It's the land of Target (...and Aldis, which means cheap groceries!!)
  6. And the literal "Land 'O Lakes." They. are. everywhere.  They're gorgeous! I love driving by lakes all the time
  7. Active outdoors. There so many trails, bike lanes, and lakes to run around, not to mention canoe-ing and other "wilderness"ish things outside
  8. music and arts. It seems there's a free outdoor concert at every park every day this summer plus festivals, big concerts and lots of plays
  9. Goood restaurants: D'Amico, 112 Eatery (cheeseburger with brie!), Noodles, good Thai food, Bread and Chocolate, Cafe Latte, Britt's Pub, etc.
  10. It's our home.  Our little abode, cars, jobs, and everyday lives are here.  It's where we've decorated, where we cook, and eat, and hang.

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