Saturday, May 14, 2011

week in a nutshell

"Help! I'm in a nutshell! Help!" Name that movie.

Ok, so no one else really watched Austin Powers? Yeah, I know.  It's just one of the only movie quotes I really know.  Which says a lot about how much (or really, shows how little) of a movie person I am.

This was a "limbo" week.  Transitional from campus to summer, but not fully either. The campus we're on is still not done (!!!) so though students are preparing for finals this week, we're already starting to mentally skip out.  And with lots of all day staff meetings this week, our team has pretty much transitioned almost fully to summer things.  Thus, we're in limbo.
my last "on campus" lunch of the semester- visiting one of my girls while working. She'd kill me for this, but she wears the uniform well

We leave next week for Georgia, which I am super excited about.  Plus it got cold again this week and I am ready to get the heck out of this place for a few months.

There were several highlights this week though and partly from the beautiful, warm (not too hot) weather we had most of the time.

Perk of working weird hours and for an unconventional job: as part of our staff evalutaion and planning day, our area team went to the Twins game! It wasn't sunny, but it felt AMAZING! Jeans and tank top warm, no sweating, no goosebumps kind of weather.  We had a staff meeting in the morning then left around lunch to head to the game.  The food at the game was so good too! And my sweet hubby bought a frozen lemonade for me.  Now, you've got to understand the power of this.  It. is. my. favorite. ever. I love these things!  And it was the only thing my parents would ever let my sister and I get at Braves games.  So it was always considered a seriously special treat.  So even after we got meals at the game, Andrew bought one for us to share and I was near giddy the rest of the game.  I think he got tired of me thanking him for it.
walking into the new and beautiful stadium near the light rail
 who's that coming down the track?! ok, wrong game. wrong team.  But my hubby looks really cute :)

right side

 left side
 Hubs at the game

Needless to say the game was a welcome variation of my day!

Andrew and I also went on a quick date earlier this week to the local Barnes and Noble.  We shared a decaf mocha...and while Andrew devoured a Cheesecake Factory chocolate cheesecake, I throughly enjoyed my vanilla buttercream cupcake! Dessert is one thing neither of us compromise on.
mocha + civil war reading

While Andrew thumbed through a Civil War "a pictorial history" book I found some fun design books to peruse.  I'm thankful we can do stuff like this together.
Saw this and made me question...are we related to this guy?! 

And now we've shifted to packing mode.  Our living room has a pile of sheets, towels, cooking basics, and cleaning supplies for out stint in SC with our ministry (we live in a janky hotel for the summer while helping train students for how to grow in their relationships with Christ).

And I'll leave you with one of the beautiful sunsets this week:

This was pre-tornado and thunderstorms craziness later this week.  

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