Saturday, January 8, 2011

not spending a dime + getting my true treasure

A week off. It's been great so far. I'm starting to miss being around people though!

After Christmas we (meaning Andrew mentioned that I should) be a little extra discerning about spending money. So, I've tried to not spend a dime. One of my favorite free activities is going to the library. I spent an hour there getting cookbooks and sewing manuals. So now I'm planning on scouring the cookbooks and copying recipes and hopefully getting a few sewing projects done. I think there's something in me (and all the women in my family) that just gets excited about getting the recipes without buying the book (with a good conscious). It's the whole joy of getting a good deal.

I'm so grateful to be cooking again after being on the road so much. Last night we had salmon with steamed edemame and some roasted tomato and almond rice- a combo of 2 recipes. We had everything already with the fish and edemame from the freezer. So this was even a nearly free meal too. The salmon was SO good. Had great flavor and we couldn't get enough. It's Ina Garten's "Asian Grilled Salmon". The rice was the combination of two recipes Ina's "Brown Rice, Tomatoes and Basil" and from this month's Cooking Light "Nutty Rice". Basically, while the brown rice was cooking, I cut some cherry tomatoes and with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, I roasted them at 400. Then I threw in some slivered almonds to toast them. I also made the dressing Ina used, but halved it after reading about it's overwhelming flavor in the reviews. Combined it all and threw in some scallions and it was done. Pretty good but doesn't blow away my list of top recipes.

Oh, and Andrew made some pork wellington! We were watching Alton Brown's show "good Eats" and he was getting all into it. Then the next day we were having a few people over for dinner and he asked if he could make the main dish. I was surprised (shocked, really) and excited and a little nervous. He asked if he could make the Pork Wellington and found the recipe online. And, drumroll was so good! He did an awesome job! The first meal I think he's cooked in a few years, ie: since we've been married. Awesome meal, but I must warn you- it's not so great as a leftover. The puff pastry gets a little mushy when warmed up. Anyway, I was so proud of my hubs! I threw together some corn on the cob, a rendition of this potato gratin using a mix of cheeses and no bacon, and some hearty multigrain garlic bread and we had a good dinner. Then we watched Ohio State unfortunately beat the Arkansas razorbacks. The SEC is doing so hot this bowl season. Thankfully though LSU squashed Texas A&M. Whew. But that's all another story.

I've also done a lot of reading and journaling, and using coffee gift cards at new Caribou and Starbucks locations I don't normally go to. Meaning free caramel apple cider, soy steamers, coffee drinks, scones and cookies! Yum! I'm currently reading "One with a Shepherd" about being married and in ministry. I really recommend it. Not a lot is new, but they are good reminders for me. Like doing ministry, getting in the Word, leading others is not all that great in and of itself. But all of these spiritual activities are a means to get more of Christ. I've been praying that He would be my treasure above anything else. Because really, friends, my husband, being "successful" in ministry, how I look, others' perceptions of me, cooking, etc. are all things I put hope in and treasure above Christ so often. So Matthew 13:44 has been in my heart a lot lately:

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."

I mean who really is JOYFUL to give up everything they have. To sell it all?! I know though that Christ, the treasure, it worth so much more and makes everything else pale in comparison when I'm seeing Him for who He really is. It makes even more sense in light of Philippians 3:7-8:

"But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ,"

The worth of Christ surpasses everything else. He eclipses ministry work, being a good wife, trying to be put together, working hard and keeping up a spiritual image. I want everything I do to give me more of Christ- not more of my own glory.

This week is also prayer week at our church. We've had prayer meetings every day and it's been encouraging to go to a few. One was last night- all night. From 10pm- 5am. And out 65 year old pastor spoke during the 4 am hour. There were several gray haired folk and it was so encouraging. Anyway, I just got up, but it's 11:30 in the afternoon. I feel like a total slacker because I haven't gotten up this late in forever!

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