Whew. It's been nearly a month! I guess that gives you a little insight into my life lately. Busy, busy, busy.
This is the first Saturday in a month that Andrew and I have both been home and haven't had any specific plans. So freeing!
But, at the same time, we've had some really fun things happen in the past few weeks that we're so glad we could be a part of. So here's my top ten from the past few weeks:
10. The crazy weather! It was nearly 70 earlier this week! No jacket necessary. And currently it's been snowing and we've got more than 6 inches on the ground!
9. Getting to catch up with Atlanta friends: girls from Tech, friends from college and friends from staff
8. Catching up with my fellow Minnesota staff wives: I get to hang out with Jen and Holly every other week!
7. Having to read more about resting: being so busy has made me realize my need to slow down and rest!
6. Friends having babies: Samm and Carmela (in Scotland) had baby girls!
5. Our first snow!
4.My hub's commitment watching Georgia games together: Andrew finding a place for us to watch the Georgia/Florida game during the craziness of the missions conference, watching GA vs. Auburn last weekend with a fire (!!)
3. Jason, Andrew's brother came in town
2. Ginnie, one of my great friends, came in town from Atlanta
1. The heart growing fonder: finally getting extended time hanging out with my Hubs!
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