Andrew and I have been in Atlanta for a few days now and it's been great! When we got off the plane, we made a bee line for the first Chick-fil-A we could find. Thankfully it was across from our gate!! I miss that chargrilled chicken sandwich and those waffle fries...
We feel so blessed since being here. One of our co-workers/staff guys in Minneapolis is also from Atlanta and his patents let us borrow their car. And its a convertible! Ha, so Andrew and I have been cruising around Atlanta and Snellville with the top down. It's something that seems like such a simple thing yet actually over-the-top (thinking of "abundantly more than we could ask or imagine" - Eph 3:20). It's made our visit more fun and everytime we drive around I'm brought back to this convertable car being an example of how God is so over-the-top gracious to me!
On our visit I got to see Megan and Wyatt get married. Megan was a girl I was priviledged to pour into while I was on staff at Georgia Tech. It was a blast and I was so thankful at the multitude of people I cherish that were there! Nearly all of my old staff team of Campus Outreach Atlatna plus many of the girls I had the opportunity to invest in from Georgia Tech were there! What a blessing! Andrew and I stayed until nearly midnight way after the party ended just catching up with old friends. I think I was giddy for the next day or two.
We also got to visit my former church in Atlanta, Atlanta Westside. I missed the small home-y feel of this church plant- which actually has grown quite a bit. Then we visited with Andrew's parents whom I adore! They are so generous, hospitable and caring toward us! We love them a lot and it was so great to see them and catch up. And lately we've been doing some shopping- I miss all the great stores (and the accessability to them) that aren't in Minnesota. Yesterday we got to see Caitlyn and Chris, great couple friends of ours that are on staff with Crusade's high school ministry, Student Venture. They're always a breath of fresh air and so fun!
Tonight we're having dinner with my sister Courtney at another of my favorite places, Taqueria del Sol. Andrew and I already know what we'll order and I thought I'd have the wipe away the drool from Andrew when he started thinking about it! Then we're heading down to LaGrange to see my parents which I can't wait for.
All that to say, I have all the sudden had to remind myself about being content in the Lord. I mean this place feels like home. I know big towns and small towns, I know people's high schools, the good restaurants, back roads, short cuts, college and high school and ministry and church connections, and I certainly don't need a map here in Georgia. No one has an accent here- well unless their from the po-dunk boonies. No one thinks I'm an out-of-towner. There are so many Georgia fans here too :). I've been fighting to KNOW, I mean really know in my heart not just in my head, that God has been VERY clear that I should be in Minneapolis. He knows what is best for me. He would never withhold the absolute very best for my life. Therefore, it is not best for me to live and be in Atlanta and be around this former life of mine. I am fighting envy and discontentment with Ps. 84:11 and I want to really battle this. I just miss this place. It's just not the home for me right now. I want to be content where the Lord has me. I am grateful for Minneapolis, my church up there, my staff team there, the home and marriage the Lord has established there for us. Sometimes the grass just appears greener. Pray for me that I'd be able to be content in the Lord and battle the lies of greener grass. Being in the will of our God is ALWAYS truly greener.
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