Monday, June 24, 2013

in the middle east

For the past two weeks, we've been in Beirut, Lebanon.  We're here with 5 students as one of our cross cultural summer projects.  It's been an adventure for sure.  And lots of adjusting.

Our little guys are doing great, but it was rough on our flights over here and helping their bodies get over to the major jet lag.  I share this because it's in the past and now comical. We obviously hoped and prepared in every way for Grayson and Jackson to sleep on our 9hr, then 4hr flights here.  We left at 8pm and gave them their usual teething tablets (all natural!) to just take their crankiness down a notch on the plane.  We are not above drugging our sweet angels, on horribly long flights but unfortunately we tested it out a few days before and they were even more untamed. Anyway, sweet 'ol Grayson eventually was rocked to sleep and we put in him a little bassinet attached to the bulkhead wall in front of us.  We zipped him in and made sure the lights weren't glaring in his eyes.  He slept solidly for 5 hours! Which, honestly was all we could ask for...with the dinner service and the announcements and lights after takeoff and before landing that was really the only quiet and dark time.

Poor Jackson though.  He finally fell asleep in my arms with his head on my shoulder for probably 45 minutes before he jolted awake.  And that was it! He took this little power nap and was WIDE awake the rest of the flight.  He was content, thankfully, but I don't think his eyelids drooped once after that nap.  So that meant Andrew and I switched off with J and we probably each got a total of an hour of sleep.  Ha. It really was ridiculous looking back!

During our layover Jackson totally crashed in the stroller (which he hasn't done since he was maybe 3 months!) and then again on our next flight.

Aside from the travel getting here and eventually coaxing mainly Jackson to relearn sleeping through the night, it's been great! We thankfully found strawberries and kiwis which G and J still love!  They've tried falafel, hummus, menoush, plums, cherries, and lots of other yummy things since being here, but I think they still prefer fruit over anything else.

They also love watching the many cranes and construction sites scattered around the city.  People love them and I think they're almost an attraction here...old men, young people, kids, everyone stops, stares and then reaches in pinches their cheeks and often kisses them on the head or hands.  Definitely a different concept of personal space around kids! I mean a blondish, blue eyed baby is rare here and even rarer when there are two!

We've been taking Arabic classes, visited an orphanage, met with lots of foreign workers, visited a few churches, looked at several college campuses, and overall talked with lots of people.

Our trip is down to halfway which is baffling! We're looking forward to what the next two weeks hold. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

meeting our deductable

After Grayson's seizure episode, we didn't think we'd be back to the ER for a while. We were wrong.  A few weeks later we were there again on Mother's Day.  Despite Andrew's sweet attempts to make me breakfast and lunch, I just wasn't feelin' it.  After church I'd started to really not to feel so great.  Curled in a ball on our bed, Andrew took care of everything.  My stomach hurt- I thought it was gas or a cramp or something and would be gone soon.  By 10 pm I finally called a nurse and she told me to get to the hospital within 3 hours.  So this time it was me and Andrew in the ER.  Thankfully some true friends came and slept over with the boys that night and watched them the next day.  

My Mother's Day was more like a day with Superdad though.  After taking care of the kiddos all day, he took care of me in the hospital! After lots of tests and a CT scan, the doctors were 80% sure I had appendicitis around 3am.  Here's the kicker, they didn't want to operate until 100% so they wanted to watch to see if my pain increased.  Thanks a lot! That's when I finally said I'd take something for the pain!  They woke me up a 5am to check.  Everything was the same and they prepped me for surgery.  

By 7:30 we were back in my room.  I was sleeping on my bed and Andrew on the janky vinyl "recliner" chair that only went halfway back and hit the walls when he tried to sleep.  Ha. He's a trooper!  Andrew finally left around lunch to see the boys and relieve the sitters before coming back to be with me.  What a guy! I was released that evening around dinner and Andrew drove me to get my prescriptions, dinner, and then home.  

But really the next few weeks were harder than the pain and surgery.  How was I supposed to be a mom of 2 busy (and clingy) boys without being able to pick up anything over 10 pounds?! It was a challenge for sure.  But we got through it…with lots of help, meals from friends, Andrew being around or babysitters being here when Gray and Jacks needed to be picked up out of cribs or down for naps or in and out of high chairs.  And my mom came for a few days! Thank you, Lord, for mom!

It's been about a month since surgery and I'm back to normal.  Just in time for our vacation to Orange Beach, AL with my family a week ago and heading out to Lebanon on Friday!