Friday, August 24, 2012

baby must haves

Now that we're out of the first few months of babyhood, I feel like we're experts on newborn gear.  Some of this may be more geared toward twin-mom needs, but here are some of our favorites:

1) pacifier. Yes, yes, yes.  Especially for twins! Our kiddos must learn to wait their turn and since they haven't learned the virtue of patience, we've settled for me to keep my sanity and that means pacifiers! The NICU nurses popped them in before we even had a chance to say no, but now I couldn't live without them! And let me tell you, there's no nipple confusion.

Our hospital gave these. Avent Soothies. Lots of different kinds though.

2) pumping bra. Ridiculous? Yes.  Worth it? More than I can even imagine! This is the ultimate multitasking gift! In the early days I had to pump after every feeding so that meant I spent near 5-6 hours a day pumping away.  With this bra I could also check email, give bottles, change diapers, or relax (as much as you can while being pumped!) But seriously, every mom thinking of nursing, pumping or ever giving bottles this is a must since you may need to pump for supply, bottles, infections, etc.

She really looks like she just had a kid.  Not.

3) swaddle blankets. Life savers! These little things are great because they're breathable and stretch so you can get a nice tight swaddle...which is the key to calm little ones and puts them to sleep since it reminds them of the womb.  Now we often just swaddle the boys arms if we need to put them in the car seats during nap time.  Though we don't use them for full on swaddling now, they're great blankets and pack well.
Aden + Anais brand is what we've got.

4) swaddlers. Love those swaddle blankets, but once our boys started to grow, they quickly began to kick out of the blankets during sleep times.  But velcro comes to the rescue! These are still tight and make it harder for G and J to break loose!
The Halo Sleepsack Swaddle is great, especially the fleece ones in the winter.  And the zipper is great if your baby is in the NICU because of all the wires, etc.
Summer Infant SwaddleMes are great for the summer and are lighter weight. Love them too.

5) bouncy seats. These may be more of a luxury for one baby, but are totally essential for twins.  How do you entertain (while being contained), or feed 2 babies simultaneously?  Bouncy seats.  Plus since our boys were preemies and had terrible acid reflux + indigestion, they slept in these (while swaddled) for the first couple of months because the incline helped.  And we traveled with them...bed + feeding place + entertainment in one!

This is the model we have. We got both at a Moms of Multiples consignment sale.

6) baby carrier. With 2 kids I couldn't just plan to carry one if they got a little fussy so Dad had to be able to get in on the action too.  When car carriers aren't the most practical things these are awesome...think quick walks around the park, baseball games, even church!  Plus these are instant nap creators.  And our boys are starting to have flat heads and are facing the possibility of having to wear helmets (yes, hilarious and sad at the same time!) these help keep them off the backs of their heads.  Don't worry helmet heads are more associated with preemies...and therefore also more common among twins.

This is ours: FreeHand baby carrier. Bought one, borrowed one.

7) better bibs.  Gray and Jacks spit up a lot so we've started opting for these with cloth on one side to absorb and waterproof on the back to keep their clothes from getting soaked. You could also just get super thick ones.

These are the ones we got from Babies R Us. Also love that the velcro is on the side.

Other more basic necessities:
1) burp cloths. (just get what you think you might need...then a few more)
2) bibs.
3) hats. No matter the season you'll need somethings since they can't be in the sun and can't wear sunscreen until 6 mo.
4) onesies. Some people like gowns, but for us they were a pain to get on and the guys would scream. So we opted for onesies but we especially liked things that snapped or zipped and we didn't have to pull over their heads.
5) socks. You'll need them no matter the season

Basic needs for you:
1) sleep. ha.
2) patience. ha.
3) if nursing, LOTS of food and water. that I can do.
4) awesome husband. check!

Friday, August 17, 2012

the grandparents visit

Grayson and Jackson were excited to see Gram and Grandpa Link this past week. Andrew and I had staff training all week and having my parents up here allowed me to go to some of it.  Plus it was super fun to see them and have some adults to hang out with during the day :)

Grayson with Grandpa!

Grayson enjoying his fist!
happy grandparents :)



Mom helped me make some cookies...

Ha, but these weren't any ol' cookies.  These are lactation cookies.  They were chock full of oats, flax seed, and brewers yeast- all ingredients that supposedly help with your milk supply. Weird, I know right?  Well I thought why the heck not? They're healthy and I eat a TON these days so its always nice to have an easy snack around. Plus if they do help, great!

We stopped by the farmers market

and had fun bath times! (me and Gray)

precious Grayson

and goofy Jackson
These 2 pics this makes me squeel inside :)

And here are all the kiddos under 10 on our staff team! Woah! Something is clearly in the water up here in Minnesota!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Month 4

FOUR months! Wow! Grayson and Jackson are growing, growing, growing!  They've gotten much easier in the past month too.  Praise the Lord! Their acid reflux and indigestion have almost totally gone away.  Whew!  I do not miss 2 babies crying after every time they ate!

Currently they...

  • smile:: all the time! when we get them out of their cribs after a nap, they hear our voice, they see our face, we tickle them, and especially during bath time! 
  • giggle:: especially at silly songs we make up, us yawning, and when we do Georgia cheers (G-E-O-R-G-I-A....Go Dawgs, Sic 'Em, Woof, Woof, Woof) they love it!!
  • rolling over:: Grayson has been for 3 or so weeks and Jackson for about a week; today Grayson began rolling over to his right and then next time to his left
  • drooling
  • have really flat heads:: ha.  but really if they don't even out we'll have to get a helmet for Grayson especially! it's really common among twins but mainly because they were preemies.  so we're doing a lot more tummy time and carrying them around.
  • eat only once during the night:: they go down around 8pm and eat again between 4-5am and then again at 8 when our day starts, but with two babies it feels like someone is waking up around every hour and needs help going back to sleep...but we're thankful to be getting more sleep than we have been in a few months!
  • focus on objects
  • follow objects with their eyes if you move them
  • scoot all over their crib while they sleep:: they're always in a different position if we have to go in their room
  • still fit in some 0-3 month and most 3 month clothes
  • swat at the animals hanging from their activity gym and bouncy seats
  • love watching TV:: they will wiggle themselves around so they can see the screen! so usually we turn it off so we can have more engaging time with them. I think this is a foreshadow of the future...
  • don't sleep as well when we're out and about:: they're more social and much more aware and alert of what's going on around them
  • escape their swaddles usually at least once during the night! stinkers!
  • put their fists in their mouths
  • weight around 10 lbs:: Grayson was 10 lbs 2 oz last week and Jackson was 10 lbs 12 oz
  • are 24 inches long
  • kick:: a lot!!
dressed for church :)

"playing" outside!

they both just rolled over...on top of each other :)

 Jackson grabbing the toy

they both just stare at my phone whenever I take pictures :)

mid spit-up :)

kick, kick, kick!

 serious Grayson

playing outside in their Bumbos