Gosh, its been a while since I've looked at this blog let alone written on it. That would be because we have been in Myrtle Beach, SC with the college students we get to work with. It was such a whirlwind but totally worth it.
I got to spend time with some women from Bethel University who I love! Cassie and Greta just finished their freshman year. Kate, Allie, and Maggie are soon-to-be juniors. Christel and Kelsey just finished their fourth year. It's such a joy to see these girls knowing God more, experiencing him and really learning so much! I've already seen them process things differently, speak truth to themselves and they can't wait to share all they've learned with friends and new freshmen this fall. I cannot wait for that!
But first, we're heading over to Delhi for several weeks with some older college students. Thankfully our flight leaves in the late afternoon tomorrow (and not another before-dawn trip).
Andrew and I have been on a TON of flights lately...Minneapolis to Atlanta and back, then back again when we had to make a sudden trip down to be with Andrew's sweet family during a hard time. And most recently...Minneapolis to Myrlte Beach and back. All in a month and a half or so!
Now I feel like I've seen every page of the Sky Mall Magazine multiple times. So in honor of Delta, how they've fed me so many yummy Biscoff cookies, and their laughable SkyMall Magazine, here are my top 5 most ridiculous things in the magazine:
1. "Big Foot Garden Yeti Statue" hmm...who wouldn't want this in their yard? and a bargain at only $100! Weird. In the new July edition, this statue isn't there but there's a yeti hiding behind a tree- what a great tweaking of the yeti don't you think? I think I really could've put the entire "lawn and garden" section on here but at the risk of statue overload I decided not too. If you're flying Delta anytime soon, please check out the life size giraffe statue you can also put in your backyard. It has a cute little kid standing under the giraffe's belly.

2. Sarcophagus shelf. Why buy a normal shelf when you can buy one in the shape of King Tut? This isn't actually the picture they use in the current SkyMall but it's just as wonderful. It's a bargain too at just under $900...

3. Head Massager. I think this one made it partially because of the look on the woman's face. She's trying to look sensual and relaxed with an entire robot on her head. And to think, you could look this weird for only $200.

4. The Step Stretch. This is so funny! Who would spend $30 for this little contraption when you can stretch your heel for free by putting against the wall itself?

5. The Neck Pro: Bahahahaha!!! Seriously?! His head is on a pully system. Enough said!